
Showing posts from 2008

Happy Halloween!

There's a sun show every second

... I feel you, Larry David

Culture War?

I only smoke before physically agonizing heart exams, doctor.

A pitbull with lipstick couldn't have said it better herself

Château-fort Guédelon

Sarah Siskind, you're making my eyes mist

de battre mon coeur s'est fait enregistrer


les tourtereaux

Kees Kees Bong Bong

Sister Italy

Bon Iver

when the over-used "c'est un scandale" was actually used in an appropriate situation

Powdered wine


Le bal le plus hot de Paris


34.3 l'après-midi

pop muzak

Voulez-vous des frites avec votre Marc Lévy ?

French ain't easy

Hooray for lizards

Musee Mechanique 5 de Mayo: Me, Hannah, Aralena

Bicycle shorts man, or I heart the dirrty south


Shooting rabbits


Sous son tablier

for Easter, we went to the Mall

where are all the Philly cheese steak sandwiches?

Happy New Year, cocinho!