It's a bird! It's a plane!

It's... Super Mamie!

I nearly stepped in a pile of cadeau de caniche on my way to work the other morning when my wandering eyes settled on a poster advertising the upcoming grandma pageant. "Work can wait," I thought to myself while booting up my ordi, immediately embarking on a net search of this intriguing concours.

Two minutes later, crestfallen, I announced to my colleague that the Super Mamie of 2007 would take place on Sunday, February 25.

Zounds! Yet another drawback to living thousands of miles away from your family. How on earth would I manage to get Nana to Paris on time to rehearse a talent routine, fit her for a sequin-bedazzled evening gown, and prepare a speech about whirled peas?!


Anonymous said…
Why does it have to be your own grandmother? Why not adopt one specially for the concours? Or do it by video?
Anonymous said…
I'm sure Kate will be up to it both physically and artistically when her time comes...and you're so blessed you grew up with a dress up box, ma petite!
Amy75 said…
Yet another benefit to growing old in France! Just think, in 40 years we could be competing against each other for this : )
Anonymous said…
Grandparents get high priority in France. Sorry I missed the grandma pageant. Sounds like it would have been fun.
Aralena said…
Bring it on, Amy! hmmm... do they have "yo gramma" jokes in French?

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