Ceci est pour ma tante Lisa
Hi. My name is Aralena and I'm here to tell you about - wait, this isn't a forum for former cutlery hawkers? Oops.
Fine then. This blog, "Dents de lait" or "Baby teeth," is for me, my family, and friends. As a means of keeping in touch. As a gesture of "hey, let's not confine ourselves to e-mail and phone calls, shall we? Let us click, read, comment, click, and be on our merry way, hey?"
Not that anyone in my family or circle of friends specifically requested to be updated through an oft-maligned medium like the "blog" (such an ugly word, blog...), or to have random photos of nauseatingly cliché Parisian tourist traps - or myself for that matter - added to the already plugged up sewage pipes of the internet, or to have personal details of my (or their) life made public property without a thought for the sheer narcissism of the whole affair. Ah well; being an expatriated (I find this word almost as ugly as blog...) American woman in the city of lights seems to imbue one with an undue sense of having something to say.