outie or innie

Parenting as an Introvert/Parenting as an Extrovert

I am endlessly fascinated by the ways in which our personalities and histories mold our choices and styles of parenting. Brain, Child Magazine is an excellent source of articles on the topic, the one above included.

I definitely bend toward introversion, and think I may currently be parenting both an intro and an extro. Of course it's hard to tell when someone is still young, and I would certainly avoid labeling a toddler anything but... a toddler! But there are obvious tendancies. What I find surprising is that neither "type" is particularly easier for me, as an introvert, to parent or understand. In fact, I have an easier time with people who are my polar opposite, i.e. very outgoing, talkative, energetic socializers. Extend this dynamic toward child-rearing, and it's as if having a child who freely and happily goes toward others not only takes a bit of the pressure off of me to do it, it affords me opportunities to meet a lot of people, just by riding the coattails of my gregarious child.


Emilie said…
Glad you pointed to this magazine, Aralena...good stuff. Thank you!

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