Carob chip
Sharing a link this morning, to this post on Mama Eve's blog, because I sat there nodding to what Mama Eve was saying:
"It's hard to be THAT mom"
Something that wasn't easy as a new mama over here in Fra-yance was/is feeling like the weirdo/hippie/California/grooved-out-to-the-max mama. I work on just owning it daily, not worrying about the stares or comments, and, inversely, not feeling like I have to pick apart the norm to make myself feel okay about my choices. Non-judgment is the word. It works wonders.
Something that wasn't easy as a new mama over here in Fra-yance was/is feeling like the weirdo/hippie/California/grooved-out-to-the-max mama. I work on just owning it daily, not worrying about the stares or comments, and, inversely, not feeling like I have to pick apart the norm to make myself feel okay about my choices. Non-judgment is the word. It works wonders.