hap! hap! happeeeee!

The Happiest Kids Don't Have to Smile, Janet Lansbury

I also remember the loathing I felt for the random (usually masculine) shouter of, "Smile!" Growing up in California, you sometimes get the sense that your personal experience of life is deficient or misdirected if it isn't dedicated to or radiating a lot of joy, optimism, happiness.

Of course, this focus on "Smile!" "Be happy!" is unheard of here. Come to think of it, the cult of happiness hasn't really taken hold here much at all. No, smiling excessively in public is rewarded with curious stares, unwelcome come-ons, or suspicion! I cannot think of an example when I've seen a French parent distressed when their babies and children weren't smiling and behaving happily. See link below for more on this:

Championnat de France des Râleurs


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