his 'n' hers

Guess which one is hers!
We picked these out (there are two others- grey and lilac) during our blitzkrieg wedding gift recuperation last fall. Like a modern-day Little Red Riding Hood, I proceeded to taste test water, cranberry juice, and Ricard from each of the four crystal tumblers. Mindful of the power of drinking vessels, I wasn't entirely surprised to find that the color of the glass imbued each quaffing experience with an alternately gothic, gentle, stoic, and mystical vibe. (For the gal in ATL, cranberry juice is a special nectar, exempt from swigging etiquette, and can be downed straight out of the bottle - you know what I mean.)
It reminds me of something an aspiring food writer friend once said, on the topic of drinking wine out of plastic cups (The horror! The horror!), "It's like drinking water from a porcelain cup." And she was absolutely right. It's just not okay. Okay?
I used to be what my mom liked to call fastidious. Since moving to the land of libations and corresponding glassware, the outlook is precariously bordering on obsessive-compulsive.
I distinctly recall the fastidous comment...I think you were TWO! Call it fussy or call it discriminating, I applaud it!
The world is SLOPPY, n'est-ce pas?