Royale with cheese
I smell Léon's head every single time I pick him up. Pressing my nostrils against his warm, fuzzy head, (usually coming away with a few stray hairs on my lips, as he seems to be going through the hormonal-drop-hair-loss phase... as am I.) I breathe in deeply the smell of his scalp. It's a sweet, milky, buttery perfume that wafts angelically around his little being, and smelling it brings me such a strange, deep satisfaction. But I know some people must find it weird.
NPR has some scientific things to say about it:
Babies Smell Delicious, Just Like A Cheeseburger
I have called Léon delicious, but I don't have that urge to "eat him up," as described in the interview. More just to kiss and sniff him compulsively and hold his wobbly head against my cheek and exalt in his dreamy, silky sweetness. Oh, motherhood is wild.
NPR has some scientific things to say about it:
Babies Smell Delicious, Just Like A Cheeseburger
I have called Léon delicious, but I don't have that urge to "eat him up," as described in the interview. More just to kiss and sniff him compulsively and hold his wobbly head against my cheek and exalt in his dreamy, silky sweetness. Oh, motherhood is wild.